Sunday 10 August 2014


I have spent my whole weekend playing netball. Recently I had forgotten how happy it made me just to get out and do sport. I'm not the best at it, I'm not even close but god I have fun. I love the atmosphere of having good people, friends, around you and having something to all enjoy together. To me this is real happiness; being happy with other people.
I cant ever imagine being a solo artist, making music by myself, releasing CD by myself. I honestly would never be happy with that because it wouldn't make me happy. My friends make me happy, laughing and smiling makes me happy, sport makes me happy, succeeding makes me happy but the happiest I've ever been is when I was serving others. It does something to your soul, so unexplainable, something so profound that you just smile for days after.
True happiness is not about you as an individual, it is impossible to find happiness this way. To be happy you must first truly love others.

Monday 4 August 2014

What Is A Worldview?

Stage 3 English is kicking my butt at the moment. I'm good at english, I always have been. I've also always enjoyed it but recently we've been looking at philosophy and world-views. What is a worldview? Seriously how do I even answer that, why should I even answer that?
My teacher keeps telling me to look deeper and ask my self more of why I think what I think but the truth is that all my decisions go through this process:
1. Does it benefit me or not?
2. Do I want to do it or not?
Sometimes there doesn't have to be a 'good' or meaningful reason for any decisions you make.
- Izzy

Sunday 3 August 2014

LUCY Movie Review

I had high hopes for this movie. The trailer for this movie is so epic with Scarlett Johansen looking like a badass and Morgan Freeman's voiceover. My first thought was it's going to be just like Limitless but the trailer looked different so I went to see it and I have to say I was dissapointed.
The premise is great, the acting is great, except for the random flashes back to evolution the first 30 minutes is very capturing. Then it get boring, all I could think is I get it, she can do cool things. By this time I wanted more plot. Having random drug dealers chasing her wasn't enough anymore.
Don't even get me started on the end. You don't get any answers but not in an Inception way more in a the writers didn't really know what the end was going to be before they started shooting and this was just what they came up with on the spot.
The movie is very philosophical in parts, especially in concern with time. It messes with your brain a bit. The parts where they discuss time are the only really interesting parts of the movie that make you think at all.
- Izzy

Wednesday 30 July 2014

I Don't Like Game Of Thrones

Sometime I disagree with things just to be different but other times I actually just don't like things. The first two season of Games of Thrones is definitely the later. It's just so boring. I cant keep up with who the characters are and then I have to listen to them have the longest conversations in TV history about other characters who I don't know.
Then season three happened, I don't understand what changed but all of a sudden I began to understand what was happening. I sorted some of the characters out in my head and I'm enjoying it. I know why it is one of the most watched television show; boys like the sex. What I have now realised is that the plot and the characters are amazing.
Watch it if you can get through two seasons like I did if not, I feel your pain.
- Izzy

Tuesday 29 July 2014

I Feel Like A Failure

It's 10:08 PM. I haven't posted today, I forgot. I feel like a failure because I had a goal to write everyday. 
- Izzy 

Monday 28 July 2014

Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Life is made up from a series of doing things you don't want to do in order to live. The few and far between fun times are what we focus on. There is a concert that I don't want to go to but my friend wants to go and she bought a ticket so I feel like I have to go with her. Thinking about it the last couple of days I realise that the only reason I don't want to go is because it out of my comfort zone.
It's at a small local venue and last time we went I didn't know anyone except her. I don't like to be uncomfortable, no one really does. Tonight I bought a ticket because I have enjoyed every concert I've ever been too and so many times before the best time I've had is when I stepped out of my comfort zone.
It's the best thing you'll ever do, I get anxious so it makes it more difficult but small steps are not how I do things. I go all in or not at all. The first time I fought this anxiety about stepping out of my comfort zone was when I was fifteen and I went on a mission trip to Cambodia. I loved it in the end but at the start I spent a whole day with severe anxiety and panic attacks, I cried and I felt sick and I asked to go home but I didn't and it was one of the best things I have ever done.
My advice: give it a go! Figure out if you need small steps or you need to go all out, Then do something that challenges you.
- Izzy

Sunday 27 July 2014

Big Decisions

This year I have been faced with some really tough decisions. I'm in my final year of school and I'm being asked make some serious decision that will affect my whole life. I also have had to make some big decisions about a service mission trip my class is taking at the end of the year; do i go or not? I decided not and for the last two days I have been trying to justify to myself why, making up stupid excuses like I don't want to fly Malaysia airlines. The truth is I shouldn't have to make up excuses, it should be enough for me just to not want to do something. 
Outside influence will always effect a decisions making process but my advice is go with your gut, if you don't want to do something; don't. You don't need to make up excuses or wrack your brains for a reason not to. You are important and if you're not happy change something. Don't let the little things make you sweat, just breath because if you keep breathing no matter what decision you make in the end you'll be alive and you will be able to find happiness.