Sunday 10 August 2014


I have spent my whole weekend playing netball. Recently I had forgotten how happy it made me just to get out and do sport. I'm not the best at it, I'm not even close but god I have fun. I love the atmosphere of having good people, friends, around you and having something to all enjoy together. To me this is real happiness; being happy with other people.
I cant ever imagine being a solo artist, making music by myself, releasing CD by myself. I honestly would never be happy with that because it wouldn't make me happy. My friends make me happy, laughing and smiling makes me happy, sport makes me happy, succeeding makes me happy but the happiest I've ever been is when I was serving others. It does something to your soul, so unexplainable, something so profound that you just smile for days after.
True happiness is not about you as an individual, it is impossible to find happiness this way. To be happy you must first truly love others.

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